Culture Change

Resources from this Category

Culture Change

How Decision Making Unwittingly Limited the World’s Future

How you make decisions in your organisation has a huge bearing on the longer-term outcomes you bring into being. Yet for most teams and organisations we work with, this area starts out being a blind spot.
Culture Change

Excelling in Distributed Collaboration = Key Competitive Advantage

If you’ve recently moved people to work from home, how well does your culture support it? With such a significant move, without conscious focus your culture can quickly morph, and not necessarily in a good way.
Culture Change

Done Lean - Six Sigma? Didn't really work?

Lots of companies say they’ve ‘done’ Lean, ‘done’ Six Sigma, and with this there’s very often an associated ‘and it didn’t really work for us’ attached. When we probe a bit further, it soon transpires that whilst they had a go at it, there were lots of required ingredients that weren’t in place, and naturally, rather like baking a chocolate cake without the chocolate or cocoa, the result didn’t meet expectations. Want to get the best from applying Lean - Six Sigma in your business? Read on.
Culture Change

Bringing About Organisational Change

An interview with Alastair Olby on bringing about change in organisations. When do traditional methods work, and when could you be making life easier by taking more of a cutting edge approach?
Culture Change

Are Meetings Taking Over Your Life?

So many people are finding there's precious little time to do their normal job after all the meetings they have to attend. Read on to find out how come core principles for meetings can make a big improvement.

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